Am 23.03.2013 19:13, schrieb Trevor Daniels:
> Noeck wrote Saturday, March 23, 2013 5:55 PM
>>> This is explained very concisely and without examples in the NR, see
>> I disagree. As an average user, I feel quite lost in this section
>> especially with the "two-dimensional" extents.
> The Notation Reference is a _reference_ document.  It is intended to
> remind users of information which they already understand.  Explanations
> belong either in the Learning Manual, the Extensions Manual or the
> Contributor's Guide. 

Ok, I see. Then the Learning Manual should be extended by some basic
explanations about these things.

>> »An image tells you more than a thousand words« …
> That's because we have several blind users.  Images are useless for them.

I know. And I agree, that blind users should be able to fully understand
the docs. But I think that should not prevent us from having overview
images which are helpful for the non-blind users in addition.


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