On 24/03/13 03:56, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Hi Janek

This is explained very concisely and without examples in the NR, see

BTW, the text in that section ("an accidental can be repositioned vertically by setting Y-offset but any changes to X-offset have no effect.") reminds me that there is something odd with accidentals and setting Y-offset. A while ago I was having to nudge an acccidental vertically to avoid a collision with a note in another voice in single staff polyphony, and when I accidentally set a large value for Y-offset, I found that the accidental also moved in the X direction. Have a look at the output from the following. As the Y-offset gets larger, the change in positioning in the X direction gets larger as well. There's also something strange happening with the ledger lines, which are getting shorter as well.

\version "2.17.14"

\relative f'' {
  ais2 s
  \override Accidental.Y-offset = #0.5 ais s
  \override Accidental.Y-offset = #1.5 ais s
  \override Accidental.Y-offset = #2.5 ais s

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