\relative c'
  \repeat unfold 32 { c4 g'8 g } \bar "|"
  \repeat unfold 32 { c4 g'8 g } \bar "|."

\layout {
  \set Score.defaultBarType = #""

You should also choose your \accidentalStyle judiciously.

You mean, put "#(set-accidental-style 'voice)"?

No. The default accidental styles forget accidentals at the end of each bar. But since your estimated reader does not get to _see_ the end of each bar, that's not a good accidental style to use here.

Ah, I see, you are correct. So I should use "#(set-accidental-style 'forget)", am I right?

Is it possible to put this in the \layout section? I tried \context { \Score accidentalStyle = #'forget }, but LilyPond complains: "warning: cannot find property type-check for `accidentalStyle' (translation-type?). perhaps a typing error?".

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