In 2.16, you just put the accidental style definition into the layout block and that's it.

Alas, 2.16 is not in Debian as far as I know...  I can live with a

global = {
  #(set-accidental-style 'forget)

definition at the moment.

<URL:> shows Lilypond 2.16 in experimental.

Hmmm... I just installed the package 2.16.0 from Debian experimental, but it did not help. I had the same error type with a \context { \Score accidentalStyle = #'forget }:

Nobody said that 2.16 allows you to invent your own syntax.

Indeed... Sorry, as I said earlier I just started using LilyPond two days ago.

It is \accidentalStyle forget or possibly the old #(set-accidental-style
... or whatever it was can be written unchanged in the \layout block.

You are correct again, \accidentalStyle forget works (but #(set-accidental-style 'forget) does not).


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