
2013/11/29 Josiah Boothby <josi...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:45:33 +0100
> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Would you like to sponsor this?  For $20 i could add special
>> > accidentals to LilyPond font and adjust \flat, \sharp and \natural
>> > commands to use them (and maybe others like \semiflat, if i'll have
>> > time).
>> Why not use the Unicode charpoints, like B♭, F♯ and so on?  They are
>> _supposed_ to go well with the text font and kern properly.
> I would gladly sponsor this, and have thought for a long time that
> E\flat should not in most cases require any additional effort (much
> less the considerable extra effort it currently requires) to look
> correct.

It's great that you're willing to sponsor!
But, as your reply is below David's quoted message about Unicode
accidentals, i'm not sure what you'd like to sponsor - could you
Unicode accidentals are supported now, but as i already wrote, they
look horrible in my opinon.

> I would also sponsor a solution for using this text accidental in
> lilypond-book.

I totally recommend using LilyGlyphs!  Their added advantage is that
they are already implemented - you can send money to Urs right away,
he deserves it! :-)


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