To clarify:

> >> > Would you like to sponsor this?  For $20 i could add special
> >> > accidentals to LilyPond font and adjust \flat, \sharp and
> >> > \natural commands to use them (and maybe others like \semiflat,
> >> > if i'll have time).
> >>
> >> Why not use the Unicode charpoints, like B♭, F♯ and so on?  They
> >> are _supposed_ to go well with the text font and kern properly.
> >
> > I would gladly sponsor this, and have thought for a long time that
> > E\flat should not in most cases require any additional effort (much
> > less the considerable extra effort it currently requires) to look
> > correct.
> It's great that you're willing to sponsor!
> But, as your reply is below David's quoted message about Unicode
> accidentals, i'm not sure what you'd like to sponsor - could you
> clarify?
> Unicode accidentals are supported now, but as i already wrote, they
> look horrible in my opinon.

I am interested in accidentals being usable in text markups in the form
of \flat or \sharp, preferably including microtones and
double-accidentals. I'll define "usable" here as being of a size and
placement that is visually balanced and pleasing. It's possible that
the best place to put them is in the music symbols charpoints of the
LilyPond fonts and draw from them as needed; I think this is what David
has suggested, but I know next to nothing about fonts from this angle.
In fact, I can't say I'm particularly picky about the mechanics of how
to make this work since this is so far outside of my areas of expertise.

If other folks are interested in joining in on the sponsorship, I don't
object to help, but how do you prefer payment?

> > I would also sponsor a solution for using this text accidental in
> > lilypond-book.
> I totally recommend using LilyGlyphs!  Their added advantage is that
> they are already implemented - you can send money to Urs right away,
> he deserves it! :-)

Looking into it :)


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