Hi Frederick,

2013/12/3 Frederick Bartlett <frederick.bartl...@gmail.com>:
> Now that I'm *cough, cough* an expert LilyPond user, I want to explore
> something really difficult.
> My wife, a voice teacher, suffers from macular degeneration. Before her
> vision degrades so much that she can no longer read printed scores, I'd like
> to cobble together a system that
> scans piano-vocal sheet music
> creates a LilyPond file
> controls a digital piano with LilyPond's midi output
> displays the score in sync on a tablet at arbitrary magnification
> controls tempi and dynamics by gestures and taps (and/or voice commands)
> (bonus round) 'listens' to the singer and adjusts tempi and dynamics to
> match

This would be a very impressive and commendable thing!
I would really like to help you, but i'm so busy that i really don't
have time :-(
I can only give some pointers:
- scanning software will probably output MusicXML, so you should take
a look at musicxml2ly converting tool.  Peter Bjuhr have recently
started an effort to export to MusicXML, so he's familiar with the
subject - i suggest you contact him.  You may also contact Philomelos
(-> Patrick Schmidt), because they have some improvements for
musicxml2ly that could be merged to LilyPond).
- i think there are efforts to make Frescobaldi accept midi input
(https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/pull/291). You may try
contacting that person, he may have more experience with MIDI.
- for display synchronization and the like, you definitely want to
contact Jan Rosseel from Scora (http://www.scora.net/).

I hope this will help you.  If you have specific questions (that can
be answered in 2 sentences), i'd be more than happy to help.  But i
don't have time for much more, sorry! :-(

> Judging by the success of Frescobaldi, most of this would seem to be
> feasible. And I have five years or so to figure all this out ...
> Has anyone on this list ever used Audiveris or OpenOMR?

I haven't, but i would like to investigate them if i had time...

> How about creating non-paged graphical output from LilyPond?

There were some attempts to do this, but i don't remember the details.

hope this helps,

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