Am 07.01.2014 14:38, schrieb Simon Bailey:

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Urs Liska <
<>> wrote:

    As a follow-up question I'd be interested in whether people use
    other version control systems beside Git. If you use more than one,
    a short comparison would be of general interest I think.

i use svn, that's what i know professionally and have been using for
more than 10 years (probably closer to 15). for me as a single user, i
see no benefit in using git -- i have my SVN repo on a server, and use
that as a backup and interchange solution for working on 3 or 4
different computers. on the macs i use cornerstone, windows TortoiseSVN
and on linux command line.

so, my follow up question: why use git as a single user? this is not a
flame-war, i'm genuinely interested in any advantage that git will give
me over svn. the most misused argument i hear, "you can check in
regularly on your local machine and then send a big check-in to the
repository later" doesn't do it for me. i generally check-in once a day,
or when changing computers or when a score reaches milestones (initial
setup, music entry finished, tweaking finished, final layout, etc.). i
don't need to micro-manage my versions every time i add a musical
phrase... ;)


Thanks for the opinion. Unfortunately I can't help you with your follow-up question (due to lack of experience).

I don't think it would be advisable to encourage any _new_ user to learn SVN or CVS (if it isn't for a specific project of interest), but for your use case this is surely a valid question.

One think I love about decentralized version control systems (which again doesn't apply to your use case) is that you can interact between multiple forks of the repository. For example I can add the repos of all the other Frescobaldi contributors as remotes and fetch their branches before they have even opened pull requests (or the other way round: I can ask others to test my branches before I open a pull request). Or I can collaborate with a given contributor and we prepare a feature branch together before opening the pull request.

Ah, finally one idea about your question, not based on experience but on randomly read statements: How can you use branches with SVN? If it's correct that Git branches are conceptually different through being so exceptionally light-weight then I'd think this _is_ an advantage even for a single user.


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