On Sat, 2014-03-22 at 03:21 +0000, Paul Tannous wrote:
> The LilyPond source would then be put into the public domain. Rather
> than 
> make PDFs available, the LilyPond source could be put on a web site
> with 
> the URL for LilyPond. Anyone wanting a printed copy, could download
> and 
> install LilyPond if they didn't have it already. The idea would be to 
> generate interest in LilyPond. 

Presumably someone will generate a set of PDFs and put them on IMSLP.
And people who are not prepared to read the LilyPond sources - they just
want the printed score - will get those, and would be wise to do so,
since someone malicious could generate an altered version the the
LilyPond sources to do bad things. While LilyPond is a specialized
interest thing malicious files are not going to happen, except by
pranksters, but it is something to bear in mind. (I hate to sound a note
of caution).


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