it would be more sensible to sell the .ly file at a higher cost. It is

certainly the more valuable entity, both in terms of work in and

future utility.




On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Johan Vromans <address@hidden> wrote:

> Paul Tannous <address@hidden> writes:


>> Anyone wanting a printed copy, could download and

>> install LilyPond if they didn't have it already. The idea would be to

>> generate interest in LilyPond.


> That's a noble idea, but aren't you afraid that it will have the

> opposite effect and scare people away?


> I don't see many vanilla computer using musicians jump through the hoops

> of building and installing LilyPond just to get some score PDFs.


> Wouldn't something like this work better (amounts are arbitrary):


>   - for 5$ or more you get the source

>   - for 10$ or more you get the PDF

>   - for 50$ or more you get a printed copy mailed


> -- Johan


> _______________________________________________



Shane and Johan,  

After considering your comments, I and my team believe that we should offer
the .ly files as the primary premiums to Kickstarter contributors.  After
all, anyone wanting to contribute to this initiative would most likely have
an interest in LilyPond sources in general and in the LilyPond sources that
we will be producing in particular.  


Paul T.  



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