It is my impression that a decrescendo starts where you are and gets quieter.  
Does Lilypond not have a default (e.g. mf) MIDI dynamic like Sibelius?

Conor Cook

> On May 16, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Simon Albrecht <> wrote:
> I recently encountered this problem in a composition of my own and just 
> ignored the warning, because the MIDI dynamics rendition did not have any 
> importance for me.
> As a matter of fact, this notation may seem illogical, but there are many 
> occurences of it, and many have asked what it means. I find it pretty 
> straightforward, once you have an idea of its use: With a decrescendo, its 
> meaning is similar to an accent, only perhaps more gentle and espressivo; 
> that is to say, start a little above the dynamic you previously had and 
> return to it by means of a diminuendo. With a crescendo, there is some 
> ambiguity: either you return to the dynamic value from before the crescendo, 
> or you stay where you arrived through the crescendo. Other interpretations 
> may be possible, but I don’t think unambiguity needs to be avoided, since 
> it’s a question of style also: in the 18th century and beginning 19th, 
> dynamics are specified with increasing exactness, but for a long time remain 
> incomprehensive and from later perspective leave gaps, which the performer is 
> required to fill himself. And it would be inadequate to eliminate these 
> seeming inconsequencies, which are typical. As I said, I was very happy to 
> have this in a composition of my own (which was actually kept in some early 
> 19th century style) and it expressed exactly what I meant. So don’t be 
> over-correct :-)
> Simon Albrecht
> Am 16.05.2014 18:15, schrieb Phil Holmes:
>> Well, LilyPond has the same problem as a performer would.  If you're 
>> crescendoing, at what dynamic are you starting from?
>> --
>> Phil Holmes
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Knute Snortum
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 3:21 PM
>> Subject: MIDI dynamics parsing error
>> Short Description: I get an error from LilyPond that it can't figure out the 
>> MIDI volume to start a crescendo with in some situations.
>> Details:  The error message is...
>> (De)crescendo with unspecified starting volume in MIDI.
>>     { bf4 %{ \mf %} 
>>                     \< a16 ( \sf gf' f ef ) bf4 %{ \mf %} \< a16 ( \sf gf' f 
>> ef ) }
>> programming error: Impossible or ambiguous (de)crescendo in MIDI.
>> continuing, cross fingers
>> The source code is...
>> \version "2.18.2"
>> \language "english"
>> upper = \relative c'''' {
>>   | gf16-. \f ef-. df-. cf-. bf ( \sf df cf af )
>>     gf-. \sf ef-. df-. cf-. bf ( \sf df cf af )
>>   |
>>   <<
>>     { bf4 %{ \mf %} \< a16 ( \sf gf' f ef ) bf4 %{ \mf %} \< a16 ( \sf gf' f 
>> ef ) }
>>     \\
>>     { <af, f>16 q q q a4 <af f>16 q q q a4 }
>>   >>
>> }
>> \score {
>>   \new Staff = "up" {
>>     \clef treble
>>     \upper
>>   }
>>   \layout {
>>   }
>>   \midi {
>>     \tempo 4 = 120
>>   }
>> }
>> If you uncomment the \mf in line nine, the problem goes away.  At first I 
>> thought this was because of the two voices, but when I compile the \relative 
>> part by itself, that is, no \score section, there is no warning.
>> I'm assuming this is a bug in LilyPond and adding the \mf dynamic mark is a 
>> workaround. If not, please show me the correct way to do this.
>> Since Mussorgsky didn't write the \mf, I want to hide it, but \hide Dynamics 
>> doesn't seem to work.  How would I do this, or is there a better way around 
>> this problem?
>> Knute Snortum
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