> Hi David,

> The problem is that the Completion_heads_engraver and the
> Completion_rests_engraver do not appear to respond to sub-bar patterning,
> as the following snippet demonstrates:
> I would need to spend more time with lily/completion-noteheads-engraver.cc
> to understand what goes on there, but  a comment at the head of the file
> suggests that my snippet should work:
> "Every time process_music () is called and there are note events, we
> figure out how long the note to typeset should be.  It should be no longer
> than what's specified, than what is left to do and it should not cross
> barlines or sub-bar units."
> The gist is, I don't know if it's possible to do what you'd like to do
> without fixing or enhancing the C++ engravers.
> --David

I initially had the sub-bar dotted lines generated by adding a simultaneous
silent voice with bar lines as in {s2 s4 \bar "!" s1 \bar "|"} for the
compound time (3 4 4). I had to go the engraver route mainly because
Completion_heads_engraver was not working.

For now, we know that there is an issue with timing of when we set the
measureLength and when Completion heads gets involved. However, for all the
compound meters that I am using, it seems to be working.

Also, I just saw your next note - that note and rest events do not cross
added bar lines. In that case, what do they mean by sub-bar  units in
 lily/completion-noteheads-engraver.cc? If they mean sub-bar units of the
compound meter, they should work for your snippet and they do not.

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