Hi Michael,

I have a few suggestions based on my own experience, but there are probably
a few ways to approach the problem.

I would recommend that you create a global variable for controlling the
timing in the piece. It need only contain spacer rests, and potential line
breaks (marked by \bar "", which will tell LilyPond that a line break is
possible here with \cadenzaOn). You should identify _all_ the possible
places LilyPond might break your piece up into lines (and then it will pick
the best ones). At a glance it's not really clear to me what would work for
your piece but I made an example just to show what I mean.

About bar lines: if you remove the engraver then you will not be able to
add bar lines at the end. Although I'm not sure why you need this (since
the cadenza mode doesn't print them) what I imagine you should do is simply
remove the stencil at the beginning with \override Staff.BarLine.stencil =
##f, and then at the end when you need a double bar just revert the
override with \revert Staff.BarLine.stencil.

Here is your code with my additions (including the very long lines, which
is how it pasted into my editor):

\version "2.18.2"

%% This variable controls the timing and line breaks
global = {
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
  % \bar "" will tell LilyPond that it's acceptable to break the line at a
given point
  s2. \bar "" s4 \bar "" s2. \bar "" s \bar "" s4 \bar "" s2. \bar "" s
\bar "" s4 \bar "" s2. \bar "" s \bar "" s4 \bar "" s2. \bar ""

\header {
  title = "Oremus"
  tagline = ""

\new GregorianTranscriptionStaff
\with {
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  aeh'4 bes' c'' deh'' ees'' f'' geh''

voiceA = {
  \clef treble
  \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
  <c'' ees'''>2. <geh' f'''>4 <deh' bes''>2. <f' aeh''>2. <c'' deh'''>4
<geh' ees'''>2. <aeh c'''>2. <bes f''>4 <ees' geh''>2. <deh' aeh''>2. <c'
f'''>4 <geh' bes''>2. \bar "|."

voiceB = {
  \clef bass
  \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
  deh,8[ deh,8] ees,4 geh,8[ deh,8 bes,8] ees,4 geh,8[ geh,8 c,8] ees,4
geh,8[ f,8 bes,8] r4 r16 deh,8[ deh,8 deh,8] ees,4 deh,8[ bes,8 f,8 geh,8]
ees,4 deh,8[ geh,8 geh,8 aeh,8 deh,8 geh,8] r4 r16 deh,8[ deh,8] ees,4
geh,8[ deh,8 bes,8] ees,4 geh,8[ geh,8 c,8] ees,4 geh,8[ f,8 bes,8] \bar

\addlyrics {
  Om- \skip 1  ah- \skip 1 mi- \skip 1 dhe- \skip 1 \skip 1 wa- \skip 1
hri- \skip 1 \skip 1 Om- \skip 1 ma- \skip 1 ni \skip 1 ped- \skip 1 \skip
1 me- \skip 1 hung- \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 Om- \skip 1  ah- \skip 1 mi-
\skip 1 dhe- \skip 1 \skip 1 wa- \skip 1 hri-

\score {
  \new GrandStaff <<
    \new Staff = voiceA <<
    \new Staff = voiceB <<
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Shane Brandes <sh...@grayskies.net> wrote:

> Michael,
> You cane use \cadenzaOn  and then group your eighth notes with [ ] e.g.
>   deh,8[ deh,8] ees,4 geh,8[ deh,8 bes,8] ees,4 geh,8[ geh,8 c,8]
> That should cause everything to work they way you are after and don't
> bother to declare a time signature.
> best of luck,
> Shane
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Michael Collins <mxcoll...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm working on a piece without barlines or a time signature.  The file is
>> attached below.  I have tried using the \cadenzaOn command, but this seems
>> to produce nice output only when I use a simple time signature (4/4) and
>> manually bar (|) the input.  Unfortunately, the rhythmic values I'm using
>> do not lend themselves to this approach.  The introduction of a couple 16th
>> notes shifts everything over and makes it impossible to divide things into
>> neat 4/4 bars.
>> My current solution modifies the layout's context block to completely
>> suppress barlines and time signatures.  However, since lilypond still
>> thinks I'm in 4/4, I'm getting ties across invisible barlines.  Also, since
>> all barlines are suppressed, I can't get a double bar line at the end.  Is
>> there any way around these problems?  Is there a way to produce meterless
>> music without the ghostly ties that still includes a double barline at the
>> end?
>> -Michael
>> ​
>>  Oremus.ly
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f12TvUgRL96Nq-VVLo_cBZ0drmhkJh1hmhMyF989lUg/edit?usp=drive_web>
>> ​
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