
I'm working on a piece without barlines or a time signature.  The file is
attached below.  I have tried using the \cadenzaOn command, but this seems
to produce nice output only when I use a simple time signature (4/4) and
manually bar (|) the input.  Unfortunately, the rhythmic values I'm using
do not lend themselves to this approach.  The introduction of a couple 16th
notes shifts everything over and makes it impossible to divide things into
neat 4/4 bars.

My current solution modifies the layout's context block to completely
suppress barlines and time signatures.  However, since lilypond still
thinks I'm in 4/4, I'm getting ties across invisible barlines.  Also, since
all barlines are suppressed, I can't get a double bar line at the end.  Is
there any way around these problems?  Is there an elegant way to produce
meterless music without ties that still includes a double barline at the
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