On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Christian Robottom Reis
<k...@linaro.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 04:01:44PM +1300, Michael Hope wrote:
>> I've had a go at Toolchain WG specific tags here:
>>  https://wiki.linaro.org/MichaelHope/Sandbox/Tags
> Two comments on these:
>    - Your definition of regression deviates slightly from what is
>      normally considered a regression (a regression as compared to
>      previous versions).

The 'regression' tag means a regression compared to the upstream
version this forked from, so I think it fits the meaning of

>    - I'm not sure what "task" is useful for -- tool automation of some
>      sort? At any rate it's hard to draw an absolute line between task
>      and bug.

The things in Launchpad are really issues - a mix of bugs, tasks, and
(small) feature requests.  I need a way of separating bugs, which we
need to track and quickly reduce, from tasks which are improvements
with a longer schedule.  I don't see any fuzzyness there - something
is either a bug or 'other', which I call a task.

>> The idea is to be able to separate bugs, testsuite regressions, and
>> tasks from one another while also separating speed from size tasks.
>> If they look good, I'll merge them into the main tags page.
> I think most of these are pretty toolchain-specific, so they should be
> sectioned off or kept in a TCWG page and linked to there, I think.

The main page has sections that are WG specific so I thought they
should end up there.

>> I had a quick play with one of my helpers.  This link lists all
>> gcc-linaro bugs grouped by tag:
>>   http://ex.seabright.co.nz/helpers/tickets/gcc-linaro?group_by=tags
> Might make sense for you guys to actually build a single tool rather
> than reimplementing both, right? ;-)

Ah, it's the good old case of needing something now and it being as
cheap to automate as to do by hand.  All of these should be taken over
by Infrastructure, and thats one of the things that James, Mounier,
and myself talked about this morning.

-- Michael

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