On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:43:00AM +1300, Michael Hope wrote:
> >    - Your definition of regression deviates slightly from what is
> >      normally considered a regression (a regression as compared to
> >      previous versions).
> The 'regression' tag means a regression compared to the upstream
> version this forked from, so I think it fits the meaning of
> regression.

Well, that's a more specific instance of regression, which probably
wouldn't fit others idea of it. If you use the wider definition, then I
think it's candidate for a Linaro-wide tag. If you use the narrower one,
then you should probably use upstream-regression.

> >    - I'm not sure what "task" is useful for -- tool automation of some
> >      sort? At any rate it's hard to draw an absolute line between task
> >      and bug.
> The things in Launchpad are really issues - a mix of bugs, tasks, and
> (small) feature requests.  I need a way of separating bugs, which we
> need to track and quickly reduce, from tasks which are improvements
> with a longer schedule.  I don't see any fuzzyness there - something
> is either a bug or 'other', which I call a task.

Well, you're likely to have tasks this cycle (falling out of planning)
that are basically fixing bugs in some tools. Maybe you're saying that
these would be bugs, though.
Christian Robottom Reis   | [+55] 16 9112 6430 | http://launchpad.net/~kiko
Linaro Engineering VP     | [ +1] 612 216 4935 | http://async.com.br/~kiko

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