True, I renamed that file, since I got the message that it couldn't find module omap. First I renamed it to, which gave me the same error, then I tried which is the attatched logfile. Both of them are the file.

Should there be a file in the same directory as the file? In that case there isn't, the file is the only one in that directory when extracting that tarball. Actually there is no file at all named

$ find . -name ""

return nothing, while just omap gives

$ find . -name "omap*"

which is the same as "*drv*" gives.

- Martin

On 04/16/12 16:42, Clark, Rob wrote:
There is an which should be the xorg driver to load.. it
will attempt to load (if present) as a submodule for
EXA accel.  I'm not entirely sure why it is named in your
filesystem, but from list of symbols it seems to match what I would
expect to be


On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Martin Ertsås<>  wrote:

I am not 100% sure this is the correct place to ask, but since I know at
least Ricardo Salveti are working on these drivers for omap4, and I
haven't heard anything from the ppa's mailing list, I try to ask here.
If this was completely wrong I'm sorry, but would still appreciate a
hint as to where to ask and who to contact.

We are compiling what is now HEAD in the tilt-3.3 branch from the TI
landing team. To compile the module needed for the powervr drivers, we
had to get the pvr-omap4-dkms-1.7.15 and pvr-omap4-1.7.15 from

We downloaded the tar.gz from those, extracted them and compiled them.
Problem starts when we boot the board and try to run startx. The xorg
config which comes with the later package is loaded, but when trying to
start X I get the error:

(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ undefined symbol: OMAPFinishAccess

None of the libraries in pvr-omap4 contains this symbol, so I'm
wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is something wrong
with the binary?

When comparing to the library from rsalveti, from
people/rsalveti/pvr-omap4.git, I see that the dynsym table contains 232
entries, but there are only 64 entries in the same table in the other
library. Is this correct, or should there be more entries in the 1.7.15

Both the Xorg log and the readelf output from both libraries are
attached, if you have questions/need more info, please do not hesitate
to ask.

Thank you in advance for the help, and thank you for the great work you
put in for making embedded Linux better.

Best regards
Martin Ertsaas

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