Let me try and explain to everyone why these population numbers are so

The Federal Census in 2020  is the most comprehensive census in the nation
and it involved knocking on every door in the town and calculated a total
population of 6,868  for the town of Lincoln including all the military
affiliated people living on the base.  Lincoln residents on the base do not
cost the town in any way.  The Department of Defense  covers almost all of
the costs a normal town would provide to their residents.  For example,
within the base fire, police, snowplowing, road maintenance, and schooling
costs are all paid for the Department  of Defense.  So we feel it is
important to get an accurate measure of the total number of Lincoln
residents, not including the residents that live on the base for comparison
per capita purposes with other towns in the Commonwealth.

Here is the population number from Lincoln, inclusive of Hanscom AFB
Here is the 2020 population number for Hanscom AFB, (2,119)

As per the September 8th, 2022 minutes of the Lincoln School Committee, 96%
of Hanscom housing is full.

>From the following current hanscom housing website, it states that there
are 731 homes within the base and 2,375 residents.

So, our 2020 number of 2119 is not that far from today's 2,375.

Let's try and test the two hanscom population numbers to see which one is
more reasonable.
There are 419 children attending Hanscom K-8 schools.
There 95 Military dependents from Hanscom attending Bedford High School

So, having 731 homes  that are 96% occupied with 514 school age students
living on the base not counting any children who aren't yet in school and
typical two parents yields a Hanscom population number easily over 2000.

The Town of Lincoln's presentations have most recently used a  Hanscom
population number of 1,276 in their calculations.
This number  seems way too low considering Hansom has  514 students
residing in  731 multi bedroom homes.  I assume most families at Hanscom
have two parents.

We as a community need to figure out a way to agree on basic population

Benchmarking our numbers against our peer communities only works if we all
can agree on our own population numbers.

So, like David, I calculate 6,868  (total residents including hanscom) -
2119 (hanscom residents)  - 7 (Bedford barracks)

= 4,767 approximate Lincoln residents as of 2020.

The Town of Lincoln's  population estimate  of approximately 5,608 Lincoln
residents not including Hanscom seems way off base and inflated.  That
number doesn't pass a reasonableness test after one considers Hanscoms own
population count of over 2,000.

The Town of Lincoln should provide us with their detailed backup population
analysis if they insist on continuing to use 5,608 Lincoln Residents as
their official numbers as we further benchmark our town governements versus
our peers.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *David Cuetos* <davidcue...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 18:07
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center - Financial Big Picture
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>


I thought we had already settled this population debate. As I explained to
you in my last email, I believe your population numbers are inaccurate. My
population numbers come from the US Census Bureau, specifically the Annual
Community Survey.

Here is the population number from Lincoln, inclusive of Hanscom AFB

Here is the population number for Hanscom AFB, (2,119)

All of the Hanscom residents live in Lincoln, with the exception of a small
barrack located at 75 Grenier St, Bedford. *I called the Bedford Town Clerk
to confirm this. There are 7 Bedford registered residents living in that

 6,868 - (2,119 - 7) = 4,756 Lincoln residents exclusive of Hanscom

The numbers you quoted in our conversation come from our Town voter
registration, and as I have already explained to you, the methodology used
is not consistent and probably undercounts Hanscom residents as the Town
clerk herself acknowledged to Peter Buchthal when he visited her.

I stand by my analysis and believe it provides an accurate picture.


On Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 5:32 PM Andrew Payne <a...@payne.org> wrote:


You posted:

*Lincoln has the highest budget expenditure per capita among our group of
nine peer towns.*

As I explained to you very directly when we met in person, and in
my followup emails, your analyses use a non-Hanscom Lincoln population
number that's significantly lower than actual.

With an assumption that's ~15-20% too low, all of your Lincoln per-capita
data will be ~15-20% artificially high.  It's my understanding that
others have given you this direct & specific feedback as well.

We are all very mindful of our tax burden, and we all know each household
has different financial circumstances.  That's why we have open town
meeting, and why the Commonwealth saw fit to implement a super-majority
(2/3rds) requirement for key financial votes (exclusions, etc.).  Whatever
our tax burden is (or becomes), it's one that is/was supported by the
(super) majority of residents.

I hope you continue to share constructive comments and criticisms.  BUT,
when you post a fundamentally flawed analysis *after* having your incorrect
assumptions noted, you force private criticism into this public forum.

One raising-Lincoln's-per-capita-consumption-of-pork-rinds resident's view,

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