Actually, Dennis, this sounds like it's your opinion.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2022, 12:59 PM Dennis Picker <>

> The kitchen is an example of including nice to have vs. essential needs in
> the proposal.
> The kitchen that is included in both high end options is described as a
> kitchen that can accomodate  cooking classes and the weekly senior dining
> lunch.
> Cooking classes might be a nice addition to our program offerings but do
> we want to pay capital cost to enable them?  Cooking classes are available
> at reasonable cost from LS Adult ed, Minuteman adult ed, and I hear at
> Codman farm.  In addition, there are numerous restaurants and individual
> enterprises that offer cooking classes.  Some would be easy for seniors to
> access, some less so.  Nice to have, but not essential.
> Senior dining is currently carried out offsite from Bemis and although
> having it under the same roof as everything else might be nice, it is again
> a nice to have and not an essential.  There are other options for where to
> provide this service- the current locations at Stone church or St. Annes,
> potentially Pierce House.  The kitchen there is small scale and oldish.
> But, high end catered weddings are routinely held there.  A senior dining
> program there using take-out food seems feasible.
> If you change the kitchen requirement at a newly built community center to
> not have the floorspace and appliances needed to hold multi-person cooking
> classes or to prepare group meals from scratch you can build a smaller room
> equipped with fewer/less expensive appliances.
> This will not save $5 million.  It won't save $1 million.  It is an easy
> to grasp example of how the two options that are only choices we have been
> given include nice to have features that add cost beyond what would be
> required in an option that focused only on no-frills, just the real
> essentials.
> The kitchen is not the only example.  The 10 year process has,
> unfortunately, never revealed a vetted list of essential needs versus "nice
> to have if we want to pay for it."
> I accept that during the outreach process some people, I don't know how
> many, said "can we have cooking classes?"  That doesn't mean there is broad
> support for adding this service.  It is very easy to say "I want that"
> without having to deal with "it will cost you X" when you add it to the
> wish list.
> I understand and am sympathetic to the situation you describe with your
> mother.   I am 75 and preparing meals is a drag.  The senior dining service
> is what the town offers to address in a small way that need.  There is
> probably opportunities to improve the senior dining experience that we
> offer, but I am not convinced that we need an expensive large shiny new
> kitchen to achieve that.
> Bottom line, we can disagree about the kitchen or about any other "nice to
> haves".  All I have been asking is that we get a believable path to seeing
> an honest-to-goodness option on the table that includes only the on-frills
> stuff, and then the voters ultimately choose which one we spend money on.
> The debate, in my mind is not about the kitchen it is about the absence of
> needs/wants clarity, the absence of a no-frills choice to consider.
> Dennis Picker
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 12:35 PM DJCP <> wrote:
>> Why the harping on the kitchen?  Do you think cutting the kitchen is
>> going to save $10 million?  The cost is going to be relatively nominal.
>> Plus, it seems like people who are opposed to the kitchen have the
>> privilege of not having had to watch their aging parents lose the ability
>> to safely cook at home.  Cooking was a big part of my family growing up, as
>> it is for many, and I think my mom would have enjoyed watching cooking
>> classes.  (The Codman kitchen, while lovely, is in the barn and does not
>> have a lot of room for sitting, nor is the barn temperature regulated.)
>> It's almost like there were people on a committee and people were surveyed
>> to find out what could best serve the COA community, and these were the
>> ideas that were raised!
>> Diana
>> A former member of the dreaded "sandwich generation" and may you never
>> need to know what that means if you don't already
>> Giles Rd
>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 11:34 AM Karla Gravis <>
>> wrote:
>>> The problem is the starting point of $25M, which includes so many
>>> “wants” like a teaching kitchen and a cafe.
>>> Inflation shouldn’t be the reason we push forward a $25M project without
>>> understanding our true needs.
>>> Wayland, which has so many more residents than us, is building a
>>> community center for $11M and at 13Ksqft (half the size we’re proposing).
>>> We need to level-set our needs, and spending $325K on refining proposals
>>> will *not* get us there.
>>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 11:11 AM Lis Herbert <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sara:
>>>> Do not try to contort the meaning of my words and frame me as
>>>> insensitive. Don’t.
>>>> I didn’t say that I think $25 million is something to sneeze at. I said
>>>> it will seem like peanuts if we delay, ie when the town is presented with a
>>>> 40M price tag down the road.
>>>> The history of these projects has shown that 11M can balloon to 25. The
>>>> first school vote was for roughly half what the new school ultimately cost.
>>>> That’s mostly the result of waiting, and little else.
>>>> Lis
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 30, 2022, at 9:19 AM, Sara Mattes <> wrote:
>>>> Calling $25 million “peanuts” is a bit much.
>>>> While it may be “ peanuts” to you, a significant portion of our
>>>> population would find it otherwise.
>>>> And, to date, no one is talking about the Town operating budgets and
>>>> what they will look like, going forward- after we address teachers
>>>> contract, the hiring a new Superintendent, changes in Town Office staffing
>>>> and the impacts of inflation across the board.
>>>> I suspect we will see the need for an override to support the staffing
>>>> needs.
>>>> That is part of the total tax package that has an impact on individual
>>>> households.
>>>> So, what may be “ peanuts” to you, may have serious and crushing
>>>> impacts on others.
>>>> We need to be mindful and sensitive to that reality.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 30, 2022, at 9:05 AM, Lis Herbert <> wrote:
>>>> Sara:
>>>> If this process is delayed or stopped entirely, again, the price tag
>>>> for needs may well exceed current “wants” — many of which, judging by the
>>>> survey results the CCBC circulated yesterday, are pragmatic, and reflect a
>>>> community’s needs in 2022, not 2012.
>>>> $25 million will seem like peanuts when it’s time to vote on whatever
>>>> the next iteration of this process is 5 or 10 years down the line. And
>>>> people will surely wonder then, if the vote is for a center in some unknown
>>>> location near Donelan’s, why it isn’t sited at Hartwell?
>>>> And around and around and around we can go, forever.
>>>> Lis
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 30, 2022, at 8:51 AM, Sara Mattes <> wrote:
>>>> That was then, this is now.
>>>> We have gone through some radical changes in the last several years.
>>>> Our economy is volatile.
>>>> Our work lives have changed, as have commuting patterns.
>>>> Should put our fingers in our ears, hands over our eyes and act as if
>>>> it is 2012 all over again ?
>>>> We need to be more flexible and creative to meet the needs ( and be
>>>> careful about “ wants”) of the town in 2022 and beyond.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 30, 2022, at 8:41 AM, Sara Mattes <> wrote:
>>>> Times have changed, and so must we.
>>>> There is an opportunity tonight to be more creative.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 30, 2022, at 8:26 AM, DJCP <> wrote:
>>>> Oh great, let's wash 10 years of work down the tube so we can start on
>>>> a new project.
>>>> Diana
>>>> Giles Rd
>>>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 8:16 AM <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello friends, I will *not *be voting in favor of the community
>>>>> center project now… for several reasons explained below.  If these
>>>>> considerations and others you have give you pause, I hope you will join
>>>>> those of us who are interested in further discussion.
>>>>> First, Lincoln’s once in  a generation Comprehensive Plan, approved at
>>>>> Town Meeting ~ten years ago prioritized revitalizing  our South Lincoln
>>>>> commercial center. *Without a vibrant place to gather, we risk
>>>>> becoming an inert, mono-culture suburb,* of increasingly high priced
>>>>> single family homes and residents who can afford them. A vital Mall at our
>>>>> center would be a place to gather, meet with friends, and exchange ideas
>>>>> with others who have diverse backgrounds and views.  Before locating a COA
>>>>> or Community Center building at the school property we should evaluate its
>>>>> potential to jump-start and support commercial and civic growth at the 
>>>>> mall
>>>>> and help Lincoln slowly and steadily transition into the dynamic community
>>>>> we can be. It’s time.
>>>>> We haven’t had a thorough review of town goals or prioritized them
>>>>> since the Comprehensive Plan. If we choose to ignore the last 
>>>>> Comprehensive
>>>>> Plan, let’s plan again. Let’s agree on priorities.
>>>>> There seems to be an ongoing, important, and complex discussion re the
>>>>> distinctions and requirements of a community center vs. a facility for our
>>>>> Council on Aging program….prudence dictates these  be thoroughly studied
>>>>> and resolved before being considered for funding by town meeting.
>>>>> And this project will cause real estate taxes to increase above the
>>>>> rate of inflation, again. It will be particularly troubling now for 
>>>>> seniors
>>>>> living on a fixed income
>>>>> Let’s consider/reconsider these matters fully before we vote for a
>>>>> community center or a COA facility at school property. Let’s get this
>>>>> right. Please consider voting No.
>>>>> Best, Joe
>>>>> Joe Robbat
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