I think the cost of the school ultimately doubled because the town lost the offer of state funding. 

Carol R

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On Nov 30, 2022, at 11:11 AM, Lis Herbert <lisherb...@gmail.com> wrote:


Do not try to contort the meaning of my words and frame me as insensitive. Don’t.

I didn’t say that I think $25 million is something to sneeze at. I said it will seem like peanuts if we delay, ie when the town is presented with a 40M price tag down the road.

The history of these projects has shown that 11M can balloon to 25. The first school vote was for roughly half what the new school ultimately cost. That’s mostly the result of waiting, and little else.


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On Nov 30, 2022, at 9:19 AM, Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:

Calling $25 million “peanuts” is a bit much.
While it may be “ peanuts” to you, a significant portion of our population would find it otherwise.
And, to date, no one is talking about the Town operating budgets and what they will look like, going forward- after we address teachers contract, the hiring a new Superintendent, changes in Town Office staffing and the impacts of inflation across the board.

I suspect we will see the need for an override to support the staffing needs.

That is part of the total tax package that has an impact on individual households.

So, what may be “ peanuts” to you, may have serious and crushing impacts on others.

We need to be mindful and sensitive to that reality.

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On Nov 30, 2022, at 9:05 AM, Lis Herbert <lisherb...@gmail.com> wrote:

If this process is delayed or stopped entirely, again, the price tag for needs may well exceed current “wants” — many of which, judging by the survey results the CCBC circulated yesterday, are pragmatic, and reflect a community’s needs in 2022, not 2012.
$25 million will seem like peanuts when it’s time to vote on whatever the next iteration of this process is 5 or 10 years down the line. And people will surely wonder then, if the vote is for a center in some unknown location near Donelan’s, why it isn’t sited at Hartwell? 
And around and around and around we can go, forever. 

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On Nov 30, 2022, at 8:51 AM, Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:

That was then, this is now.
We have gone through some radical changes in the last several years.
Our economy is volatile.
Our work lives have changed, as have commuting patterns.

Should put our fingers in our ears, hands over our eyes and act as if it is 2012 all over again ?

We need to be more flexible and creative to meet the needs ( and be careful about “ wants”) of the town in 2022 and beyond.

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On Nov 30, 2022, at 8:41 AM, Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:

Times have changed, and so must we.

There is an opportunity tonight to be more creative.

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On Nov 30, 2022, at 8:26 AM, DJCP <djcp0...@gmail.com> wrote:

Oh great, let's wash 10 years of work down the tube so we can start on a new project. 
Giles Rd

On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 8:16 AM <jrob...@comcast.net> wrote:

Hello friends, I will not be voting in favor of the community center project now… for several reasons explained below.  If these considerations and others you have give you pause, I hope you will join those of us who are interested in further discussion.


First, Lincoln’s once in  a generation Comprehensive Plan, approved at Town Meeting ~ten years ago prioritized revitalizing  our South Lincoln commercial center. Without a vibrant place to gather, we risk becoming an inert, mono-culture suburb, of increasingly high priced single family homes and residents who can afford them. A vital Mall at our center would be a place to gather, meet with friends, and exchange ideas with others who have diverse backgrounds and views.  Before locating a COA or Community Center building at the school property we should evaluate its potential to jump-start and support commercial and civic growth at the mall and help Lincoln slowly and steadily transition into the dynamic community we can be. It’s time.


We haven’t had a thorough review of town goals or prioritized them since the Comprehensive Plan. If we choose to ignore the last Comprehensive Plan, let’s plan again. Let’s agree on priorities.


There seems to be an ongoing, important, and complex discussion re the distinctions and requirements of a community center vs. a facility for our Council on Aging program….prudence dictates these  be thoroughly studied and resolved before being considered for funding by town meeting.


And this project will cause real estate taxes to increase above the rate of inflation, again. It will be particularly troubling now for seniors living on a fixed income



Let’s consider/reconsider these matters fully before we vote for a community center or a COA facility at school property. Let’s get this right. Please consider voting No.


Best, Joe

Joe Robbat





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