Hello Lincoln,
    As a resident of the Town of Lincoln for @20 years who now resides in 01776 
I can tell you it was always a struggle to read these discussions and know my 
voice is not really wanted. It is not what the town expects to have someone who 
gives a view that overturns the apple cart. So here I go again for the last 
    Lincoln needs a Community Center, period. LEAP is a great program for 
working parents, my son was there for the early years and had a GREAT 
experience. The staff has always been at the highest level of care to the kids, 
including kids in sports, arts, and whatever other activities are needed for an 
afterschool program. People want to discuss the school commitment but yet 
forget the TOWN rejected State help to make it happen many years ago and ended 
up having to pay out of pocket to build a school that needed to be built. Even 
then they built as cheap as they could by building on the existing 
foundation(still @$93 Million dollars). So now we want to talk about a 
Community Center that will assist everyone. I have witnessed families who 
needed help in the Town suffer because they did not have these types of 
resources to provide a community area, shuttling people to Concord or Lexington 
is not a real option. So PAYING OUT OF POCKET FOR PRIVATE CARE was the only 
option to those families who pay taxes and respect the town. My guess is many 
who experience the same wish they had an area where people could meet to have a 
community atmosphere to help assume some of those costs and allow their parents 
to have a group who came out of the same experiences in life. Reminiscing on 
your life is part of getting old, sharing those experiences with others helps 
them stay young. 
    People want to talk and talk and talk about solutions but not realize the 
real problem is not addressing the fact the problem is the community that does 
not want to help address the issues on the table. I defer to people like John 
Mendelson on the road issue (sorry John but I know you are best to inform the 
community on that issue) because he knows the real issues about bikes and the 
roads in Lincoln, but he has to resort to sarcasm to make his point.  If 
Lincoln cared about the people more than the land it resides on it would say 
they want to offer a sustainable center for the community that is not a garden 
or saving the frogs or not allowing planes to take off or land at Hanscom. If 
the community really cared it would have built a new school BEFORE the ceilings 
leaked water on a fire detector at the front desk area and the toilets flooded 
on a regular basis as I PERSONALLY witnessed as my son progressed from Smith to 
Brooks where he was able to spend one year in the new facility which still did 
not build a new basketball court surface in the Brooks Gym. 
    My grandfather used a riddle that he shared with all of his grandkids (and 
yes I all know this was not his creation but from Greek Mythology): What has 
one voice but goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three 
in the evening? 
    He taught us a lesson that we understood as he suffered from Alzheimer's 
and my grandmother had to care for him which eventually took years and time off 
of her great and kind life. It is OUR job in society to plant the tree and care 
for our children and the elderly and that means providing a Community Center 
and cover the costs I am sure many in the town can afford. My suggestion is the 
Town and the people figure out how to plant a tree to provide the shade for 
those who will become old at some point by paying when they can, because as a 
Town you kicked the pooch on the School issue and kids suffered because the 
people of the Town could not realize a community means more than your garden 
and frogs. Do not make that mistake again, work as a community to figure out 
the solution and it does not mean putting the elderly in Bemis Hall basement 
and the LEAP kids in the attic of Pierce House. 


All the Best,John Gregg01776
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