Dear Lincoln ,
As a current home owner in Lincoln I would like to point out that the previous 
post has been written by a resident of Sudbury .
It is my hope that careful consideration of how this project will impact the 
residents of Lincoln in all income brackets is at the top of the agenda.
Carolyn Ryan

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 16, 2023, at 2:25 PM, john gregg via Lincoln <> 
> wrote:
> The best gift a town or society can give is to give back. Do you think the 
> people who built Pierce home or Bemis Hall or LPS so many years ago were 
> concerned about the family dichotomy of 2023? Nope, that is why they build a 
> capsule to explain what things were like back then so when they take tehm 
> down it can explain what the times were like many years ago.
> I find it really concerning that the same people who enforced the shut down 
> of a new school paid for by the State want to also now shut down a Community 
> Center. New bathrooms and doorways in a building built before the people who 
> lived through WWII is not the answer, and kids just need a place to grow, 
> maybe a new Magic Garden Center for pre-K. Time to pay back Lincoln for all 
> that land you accrued via the land you were given, I am sure everyone in the 
> town agrees this land was taken from the Indians and the Native American 
> respected their elders and raised their children to be leaders.
> But yet the voices here want money for speed bumps than to allow the elderly 
> a place to be able to have some comfort and the youth have a place to 
> assimilate and attract young families to the TOWN who will pay the money to 
> live in a safe town and a community who can have after school programs and 
> and a Parks and Rec Department to function.  I will also again speak highly 
> of what the Parks and Rec Dept. provides; the pool and tennis courts are part 
> of the Rec Dept,, basketball as well as many other activities. But yet lets 
> refurbish Bemis Hall so the locals in Lincoln can feel good about themselves. 
> I honestly cannot comprehend how a kitchen that "catering standards so could 
> also have coffee/tea & snacks available." is caring for people, that is what 
> you do for guests you do not want to stay long or how your treat your dog or 
> cat. 
> The Town has no options but to build a new building, with updated facilities 
> mot spend millions to renovate something that is historic but not functional. 
> Best Regards,
> John Gregg
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