I think the School Building considerations were very different from the
Community Center.

Ultimately, we did not build a "new" school, we "renovated" an existing
building. Residents voted down a brand "new" school building which was one
of the options. Hence the school building design had the constraints of an
existing footprint. So the "primary" focus was neither expansion nor
downsizing. I'm sure there were interior design changes that
partitioned spaces differently, but we still had the constraints of a

In terms of the number of students, I recall the published data
showed enrollment peaked in 02/03 at ~732 students and declined to ~520
students in 22/23 -- 20 years later. As Michael indicated, with rezoning --
as well as resident turnover -- enrollment can increase.

Fuat Koro
Sweet Bay Ln.

On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 12:20 PM Michael Dembowski <mjdembow...@gmail.com>

> Karla, Andy and those so inclined - and still interested -
> Has anyone made an attempt to look at increased capacity/demand of COA,
> LEAP and Parks and Rec due to the proposed Town Rezoning?
> The Rezoning Deck posted earlier this AM includes a chart on LPS School
> Enrollment - demonstrating what could be absorbed within current # of class
> sections and within the space limitation of (1) additional section per
> grade. A majority of the allowable increase can be absorbed within the
> current number of class sections - 187 of a 267 total.
> Beyond debate and disagreement about numbers, perhaps a larger lesson to
> be gleaned is that the school project smartly has been right-sized for
> additional future capacity. Given the proposed zoning changes - that
> additional demand should be at least a point of discussion if not be
> outright factored into the Community Center programming.
> Michael Dembowski
> Conant Road
> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 11:13 AM Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> While I understand that Hanscom could bring a level of complexity, that
>> distinction is not relevant in this particular discussion because the CCBC
>> is not calculating the non-Hanscom population. The benchmarking used the
>> TOTAL Lincoln population.
>> The issue at hand is that the town census shows 600 (~40%) more seniors
>> than the US census for all of Lincoln. Hanscom does not affect that.
>> More importantly, the Hanscom discussion does not change the fact that the
>> CCBC is not being forthcoming about sources. The CCBC said, in writing,
>> and I quote: “The CCBC has used the Town Census numbers for every town,
>> to ensure full comparability”. That is simply not true. Regardless of
>> Hanscom or not, the CCBC benchmarking is using different sources for other
>> towns and not for Lincoln. They used the *lower* numbers for other towns
>> from one source and the *higher* numbers for Lincoln from a different
>> source. At the very least, there should have been a caveat explaining this.
>> I would also note that, given the upward bias of a town census, due to
>> the methodological issues I describe in my previous post, there is little
>> reason to believe the ACS is a less accurate population measure.
>> By using the higher numbers for Lincoln but lower numbers for other
>> towns, it seems like we’re trying to justify a center bigger than our
>> needs. If we add this to the fact that the COA refuses to provide
>> attendance data, we dramatically increase the probability that the town
>> will be building another building that is way too big for our real needs.
>> Karla Gravis
>> Weston Road
>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 9:05 AM Andrew Payne <a...@payne.org> wrote:
>>> Karla G. wrote:
>>> Below are two examples for Concord and Harvard, as proof that the CCBC
>>>> used the ACS numbers and not the town census numbers in their benchmarking.
>>> The issue that is very unique to Lincoln when trying to use that US
>>> Census ACS data:  figuring out the *non-Hanscom population.  *
>>> Anyone making cross-town comparisons should keep that in mind.
>>> One
>>> let's-complicate-things-by-putting-Hanscom-AFB-base-housing-within-our-small-town's-town-limits
>>> resident's view,
>>> -andy
>>> https://payne.org/lt-disclaimer/
>> --
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