I can't speak to the specific questions you are asking about but one
possible reason for not immediately responding to a question is that it
might require a discussion among members which would trigger the
requirement that 'deliberations' must occur in the context of an open

On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 1:17 PM Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One of the questions we submitted was answered as part of the FAQs that
> were sent out by the HCAWG on Friday, but the rest were not. See below for
> quote from that email. This question was posed to the HCAWG via email after
> any meeting happened, so I don’t believe there is a constraint to wait for
> a meeting to send out FAQs.
> The email posted on LT says this in reference to the question we
> submitted:
> “Finally, there have been questions about whether Option C had excess
> land. The answer to that is below and with other FAQs on the website.
> As always, if you have specific questions, reach out individually.”.
> The FAQs states that there was indeed a mistake made by Utile in the excel
> model submitted to the State, which was corrected after residents brought
> it up.
> The CCBC and HCAWG regularly post FAQs on their website and LT. They are
> also able to answer questions via email to residents, like Ms. Jennifer
> Glass is kindly offering in that quote above. Ms. Olson regularly posts in
> regards to technical questions. All these questions are technical.
> It is crucial we have the answers before the forum so we can have an
> informed discussion.
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 12:57 PM Rich Rosenbaum <s...@bcdef.com> wrote:
>> *I understand there may be open meeting law constrains on *back-and-forth
>> debate* on a platform like this. However, why are the questions submitted
>> any different from those that are regularly answered in FAQSs from many of
>> the town boards? Why do we now have to wait for the forum?*
>> From
>> https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2017/09/25/2017%20Guide%20only.pdf:
>> The Open Meeting Law defines deliberation as “an oral or written
>> communication through any medium, including electronic mail, between or
>>> among a
>>> quorum of a public body on any public business within its jurisdiction.”
>> Note that the expression of an opinion on matters within the body’s
>>> jurisdiction
>>> to a quorum of a public body is a deliberation, even if no other public
>>> body member
>>> responds.
>>> Except in cases of emergency, a public body must provide the public with
>>> notice
>>> of its meeting 48 hours in advance, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and
>>> legal holidays.
>> I think most (all?) of the FAQs are distributed after meetings (that
>> conformed to the Open Meeting Law).
>> Rich
>> (still not a lawyer, but at this point considering applying to law school)
>> On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 12:40 PM Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The questions that we have been posted on Lincoln Talk, and directly to
>>> the WG, are technical in nature. Both the HCAWG and the CCBC regularly post
>>> FAQs on the town website and on LT. In the case of the HCAWG, on Friday
>>> they posted the response to only one of the questions on this same forum,
>>> but did not address any of the other questions that had been submitted.
>>> I understand there may be open meeting law constrains on *back-and-forth
>>> debate* on a platform like this. However, why are the questions
>>> submitted any different from those that are regularly answered in FAQSs
>>> from many of the town boards? Why do we now have to wait for the forum?
>>> I thought the intent of the forum was to weigh in on the different
>>> options D1-D3. It will be hard to have an informed conversation at the
>>> forum if the technical aspects of those options are not correct and/or
>>> clarified.
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