*It’s a little like asking us to make a YUGE leap of faith.*

An alternative would be to take a different leap of faith that none of the
following happen:

 - we end up delaying so much that we miss the deadline for complying
 - we no longer qualify for state funding for needed repairs and
replacement of our past-the-expiration-date water mains
 - we end up with a bond to pay for a very, very large bill to keep clean
water flowing to our faucets

(speaking as a citizen of Lincoln)

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 5:01 PM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Amen.
> It’s a little like asking us to make a YUGE leap of faith.
> It makes the argument that we should proceed with extreme caution and not
> make any changes where these questions might come into play, esp. a
> challenge to our wetlands bylaw.
> ------
> Sara Mattes
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