*Also, can you please let us know about the timing of replacement of water
mains, and the cost?*
*Do we have any information on the size of grants that have been made to
towns like ours for such projects?*

Some rough figures:

Interestingly, Lincoln's public water supply system dates back to 1874. My
understanding (from memory) is that some of our current  water mains date
back to the first half of the last century (I can do more research if
someone would like more definitive data).

Current estimates for water main replacement is approximately $8M/mile.
Lincoln has over 50 miles of water mains (I am not implying that all of it
is due for replacement).

Regarding state grants for water supply improvements, here are a few of the
public water supply related grants as of 2023 (some of these may partially
be low/no interest loans):

Lead Service Line Replacements Project

Lead Service Line Replacement

Water Transmission Main Replacement

Lead Service Line Replacement

Water Supply Main Extension Littleton/Boxborough


On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 6:07 PM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *There was no mention of not making every effort to comply.*
> It is how we approach that effort, and whether we expose wetlands to
> setbacks different than our current bylaw of 100’.
> It is a huge leap of faith to include one of the most critical areas under
> consideration for HCA zoning-the mall.
> We have been told that there will be a shrinkage in retail, and no
> guarantee it will be there in years to come.
> We have been told there will plans produced.
> I would like to see how those plans will be brought to life/guaranteed,
>  before I vote for  rezoning.
> We have been told to trust
> I have always operated under the principle of “trust, but verify.”
> I want verification before I vote.
> There are many ways to add housing and comply in a timely fashion.
> And, listening to the Planning. Board meeting of the other night, it
> sounds like some of those housing is coming sooner, rather than later.
> So, it is not s”simply a zoning exercise.”
> Can you answer the question about wetlands setbacks?
> Can we maintain our 100 'set backs in HCA zoned areas?”
> If we cannot answer that, I will want to take a close look at the various
> options proposals that include proximity to wetlands.
> Also, can you please let us know about the timing of replacement of water
> mains, and the cost?
> Do we have any information on the size of grants that have been made to
> towns like ours for such projects?
> This is important as we are looking at being asked to vote for a Community
> Center where we pay 100% of the costs-$15-28 million.
> Knowing how much additional  debt we might assume to pay for all or some
> portion of a water main would help in decision-making on that vote.
> All this would contribute to our understanding of the big picture.
> Thank you.
> ------
> Sara Mattes
> On Nov 22, 2023, at 5:46 PM, Rich Rosenbaum <s...@bcdef.com> wrote:
> *It’s a little like asking us to make a YUGE leap of faith.*
> An alternative would be to take a different leap of faith that none of the
> following happen:
>  - we end up delaying so much that we miss the deadline for complying
>  - we no longer qualify for state funding for needed repairs and
> replacement of our past-the-expiration-date water mains
>  - we end up with a bond to pay for a very, very large bill to keep clean
> water flowing to our faucets
> Rich
> (speaking as a citizen of Lincoln)
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 5:01 PM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Amen.
>> It’s a little like asking us to make a YUGE leap of faith.
>> It makes the argument that we should proceed with extreme caution and not
>> make any changes where these questions might come into play, esp. a
>> challenge to our wetlands bylaw.
>> ------
>> Sara Mattes
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