To my fellow Lincoln residents,
Lincoln needs a community center which will address the needs of parks and rec 
and COA /HS and Leap and other organizations. The Hartwell campus is the 
perfect place for such a center not at Lincoln station. Lincoln station would 
not have enough parking, parks and rec would need to stay at Hartwell, and you 
would loose the synergy that you get from a COMMUNITY CENTER. Also, there would 
be little green space at Lincoln Station for a COA center that contributes to 
the sense of well being, with open spaces around it.
The 50% option would be a waste of money, in my opinion. It doesn't include 
renovating Leap , which will need to be renovated for several million in the 
not to distant future. You will have two options to choose from that make any 
sort of sense. 
We have been talking about this community center for years, and multiple 
studies have been made regarding locations, renovating current facilities, many 
meetings with experts through the years. The outcomes of these studies are 
readily available at Town Hall if you have questions.

I have lived in Lincoln 40 years, served on the COA board for a total of 14 
years and counting. I am a retired geriatric social worker with 20 years 
experience. I am very aware of the multiple needs of this community, not only 
seniors but the community at large. I am also on the communications committee 
for the community center .
I am voting 100% option because that is the option that would allow for growth 
of services to this town and serve it well now and in the future years.
Many thanks for your time in reading this. Wendy Kusik

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