Wednesday, December 7, 2005, 4:03:08 PM, Michael wrote:

MM> My issue is that the code below doesn't render a carriage
MM> return in the body.  Anyone ever do this with baOpenURL?

I haven't actually tried it but this might help:

First off, you have ascii 10, then ascii 13 - It should be the other way around 
(13 is a carriage return, 10 is a line feed).

If that doesn't fix it, my second guess would be that those characters should 
probably be URL encoded, seeing as they essentially being used in a URL, so 
perhaps try this:

on emailTest()
  theEmail = "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&body=line 1%0D%0Aline 2"
  baOpenURL(theEmail, "Normal")

- Ben


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