You would be better to multiply (scale) rather than adding

Try multiplying by 1.1 every loop but remember to round the value
up/convert to int again!

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 January 2006 14:51
Subject: <lingo-l> maintaining proportions

This question has been plauging me for a long time and I'm sure there
must be a simple answer. Is there a way to make a repeat loop to make a
sprite grow and shrink in a way that will maintain proportions? In other
words, it's easy to make a perfect box grow in size, but how do you make
a rectangle grow and keep it's proportions while it grows? This is my
code, but it doesn't work.

repeat while (mySprite.height < member(mySprite.member).height) and
(mySprite.width < member(mySprite.member).width)
   mySprite.height = mySprite.height + 5
   mySprite.width = mySprite.width + 5
end repeat

Thanks for any help!

Michael Nadel
"Creativity is more powerful than knowledge" -- Albert Einstein
Tel: (972-2) 5807-454

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