
You said "V12 uses global variables to refer to the database or tables".

V12 doesn't really do that.  The calls to create or open a V12 
database or table return a reference, and you can store these 
references anyway you wish.  For example to open a V12 database, you 
might use code like this:

  -- Open the database file
   xDB = new(XTRA "V12dbe", sDatabaseFileName, "ReadOnly", "")

Then you can open a table like this:
   xTable1 = new(XTRA "V12table", pxDB), "someTableName1")

And another table in a similar way
   xTable2 = new(XTRA "V12table", pxDB), "someTableName2")

Or, if you have a list of names, you can open all tables  by 
iterating over the list.  Then, you probably want to create a list of 
table references:

   lTableNames = ["tableName1", "tableName2", ....  "tableNameN"]  -- 
list of table names

   lTableRefs = []
   repeat with thisTableName in lTableNames
      thisTableRef = new(XTRA "V12table", pxDB), thisTableName)
      append(lTableRefs, thisTableRef)
   end repeat

(You could specify that both of these lists are global:

global lTableNames
global lTableRefs

Then whenever you want to get a reference to a table using its name 
you would do something like this:
on GetRefToTable tableName
    where = getOne(lTableNames, tableName)  -- find the name
    thisTableRef = lTableRefs[where]  -- use its location as an index 
into the list of refs
    return thisTableRef

Then use the returned "tableRef" to do the rest of your database work.

Hope this helps.


At 8:51 PM -0600 3/27/02, Hermann Brandi wrote:
>Hello everyone!
>I've made a map system using V12 as a database. I have 20 tables that have
>approximately 80 records each. V12 uses global variables to refer to the
>databases or tables. I store the name of the tables in a linear list. My
>original idea was to call each name of the list using a REPEAT loop from 1
>to the count of the linear list. I use a local variable to store the name of
>the table. The problem comes when V12 doesn't recognize the local variable
>as a container of the name of the table. Is there a way to convert the local
>variable to its content? I hope you understand me.
>Thank you in advance.
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