Don't yank the soundDevices.
Warren is mistaken - that shouldn't do a thing except make sound worse.

Just to remind everyone, PCM .WAV files are the 'normal' kind.

If you want to support IMA.WAV, it might work if you include the 
Sound Import Export (it includes support for IMA-WAV 
(micro-documented in the d702 readme, I think)

BUT A MUCH BETTER SOLUTION, is to use Sound Forge to convert 
everything to normal WAV files.


At 10:03 PM +0100 4/9/02, you wrote:
>  > This is really reminiscent of something else I seem to recall reading
>>  about a year ago regarding Win2K and the preferred driver that
>>  Director uses when it's playing sounds. Try getting into your movie's
>>  list of Xtras and removing everytihng except MacroMix; try another
>>  one using just the QT stuff (no other sound drivers). If memory
>>  serves what's happening is some kind of clash between the Director
>>  drivers and the ever-so-intelligently-designed Windows "architecture"
>>  they're supposed to employ.
>>  --
>>                Warren Ockrassa |
>>    Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
>>          Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
>>                      Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
>Well I've experimented and the following seems true (in this case): if the
>WAV file is any format but PCM it won't play. I tried removing each of the
>xtras you suggested and trying with just one or the other with little effect
>on the problem. My distrust of the Windows XP architecture (makes Gaudi look
>linear! :)  ) means I'm rebuilding as a dual boot win 98 se \win xp pro. The
>other limitations placed on me by XP are becoming tiresome: new software
>bill as a result of XP  $250 and rising....
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