At 21:15 24.04.2002 -0300, Rodrigo Peres wrote:
>Hi list,
>I'm about to develop an application that will need to store about 10.000
>pages of text and images. My users will need to be able to perform search in
>this texts. Based on this, i'd like to ask advices about the best aproach to
>store this data and search it. I'm experienced in SQL and dynamic languages
>for web, but never had done anything so big in director.

Hi Rodrigo,

Laurent already gave you 3 valuable links to alternatives. Now your 
question has been asked before and there's lots of stuff in the archives, 
so here is a link to v12 vs. valentina discussions on direct-l: 

 From what I understand datagrip offers access to MS access .mdb, last time 
I checked (which is some years ago) it was somewhat complicate to install. 
Can't say much about v12, valentina does a subset of SQL, imports data from 
.csv or via odbc and is astonishingly fast.

For a test I imported the text of the king james bible (4.622 KB text data, 
ca. 5.600 kb valentina data base files, 31.000+ records).

A search a la "select * from BibleTable WHERE TextData LIKE 'Thou'" takes 
80 - 110 milliseconds on my old athlon tb 800, lots of ram, while "select * 
from BibleTable WHERE Book='2' AND Chapter='2'" returns after 1 ms.

best regards
daniel plaenitz
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