Yes this is quite possible to solve. But can you tell me a little 
more about the situation:

You set up the calculation to take place... when? When something is 
typed into one of the 2 first fields? on exitframe? when clicking a 

One way to go would be to let the calculation be triggered by keyUp 
events in the 2 input fields. Then you would get this kind of 
behavior while typing in input field 2:

|In1 |In2 |Sum  |
|10  |1   |10   |
|10  |12  |120  |
|10  |126 |1260 |

When typing in the Sum field nothing happens, because it doesn't trig 
a calculation.

The code could be a lot simpler if you hardcoded the member and 
sprite names into the behaviors, but I wanted to make it as universal 
as possible.

Put this in a behavior. Put the behavior on each of the input fields:


on keyUp me
   firstValue = sprite(me.spriteNum).member.text

   sendAllSprites(#setFirstValue, firstValue)
   sendAllSprites(#sendSecondValue, me)

on sendSecondValue me, _caller

   if _caller <> me then
     secondValue = sprite(me.spriteNum).member.text

     put "sending 2nd value: " & secondValue
     sendAllSprites(#setSecondValue, secondValue)
   end if


-- And put this in a behavior on the sum sprite:


property firstValue
property secondValue

on setFirstValue me, _firstValue
   firstValue = _firstValue

on setSecondValue me, _secondValue
   secondValue = _secondValue

on addValues me
   sum = firstValue + secondValue
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.text = sum.integer.string


>I'm having a problem that I'm sure one of you brilliant people will have
>no problem with.
>I have a simple calculation (three fields: two input fields and one Sum
>field, it simply adds the two input fields)
>What I need to have happen is if the user would put a value that would
>differ from the value created by the calculation into the sum field; I
>no longer have need for the calculation to take place.
>So, I've racked my brain on this and came up with a global variable that
>if the user clicks the sum field then no calculation. Works Great but,
>if you would like to tab to the sum field it never recognizes that you
>put your own value into the sum field.
>So I need to find a way of having this work so, if the user tabs to the
>sum field and changes the value it will no longer calculate.
>Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you,
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