On Friday, August 9, 2002, at 04:24 PM, g r i m m w e r k s wrote:

> hey all - thinking of making the switch to total osx bootup, and 
> wondering
> who is authoring in Classic mode rather than booting into 9?

I am. Is that all you wanted to know?

I can tell you that you need to get rid of *all* the MS shi'ite from 
your 9 extensions. the OLE stuff. The hyperlink library. Anything that 
has the name "Microsoft" in the extensions manager. If you don't you'll 
run into substantial problems with drag and drop; even after pulling 
that stuff it gets dodgy at random times.

It's gotten to the point that I select the Cast members I want and cast 
to time rather than drag to place on the Stage or in the Score.

Resizing windows is a problem too, particularly dragging them *smaller* 
in size. Powie. Hot death.


It is a giant pain in the ass and I find it deeply offensive that the 
morons at Macromedia who make such decisions would rather pour money 
into DumbWeaver. The entire company is run by idiots.

I can say that here with impunity because I know none of them are subbed 
to this list. They're barely literate, let alone net-savvy enough, to 
handle email. All they know or care about is whether they will be 
putting their laundered money into the Caymans this year, or Switzerland 

Used to be Director was a product engineered by people who worked at a 
company that cared about its quality. Now it's a company run by 
money-grubbing greedy sacks of excrement and the few people left there 
who do care end up getting ignored because they can't be heard over the 
whine of the turbines on the fourth Lear in the CEO's personal fleet.



That said overall the author experience in Classic is not god-awful, but 
it certainly could be much better. I was running 9 when I put my book 
together because I needed to assemble examples fairly quickly and needed 
good sharp-edged screenshots, and at the time X's screen grabber was 
primitive compared to the refinements 9 had.

              Warren Ockrassa | http://www.nightwares.com/
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
        Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
                    Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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