At 10:59 PM +0000 12/2/02, you wrote:
Hello,Some Windows machines respond 'irrationally' to 'the soundLevel'.
I'm using the soundlevel function to control the overall volume of a Director
project. I have a slider which changes the soundlevel according to its position.
On a MAC this is giving me good linear volume control, but on a PC I am
having a problem. At soundlevel 0 the volume is mute but when I move it
to 1 the volume goes high immediately and then hardly changes as I up the
soundlevel from 1 to 7.
Also I am using quicktime movies and the soundlevel function is having no
effect at all on the volume of any quicktime sprites. With the soundlevel
= 0 the quicktime sprites are still playing a full volume. If I directly
write the volume of the specific quicktime sprite this works and I can lower
the volume. Again this is only a problem on PC's.
Any ideas? I do need to use the soundlevel command because the project uses
all 8 soundchannels and much of the sound is interactive.
Some even ignore soundLevel adjustments completely.
Hopefullty you don't have one of these machines (they are rare).
Here's another idea:
I think one can get behavior such as you described if the OS's sound mixer (not the single master fader, but the mixer that appears if you double-click on the sound control in the tray) has been set w/the master volume set very low (1) & the application volume (first fader in the mixer) set very high (the top).
If this is the case, try turning the external amp volume down (on the speakers) & then increasing the mixer output to about 1/2 to give it some headroom.
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