On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 02:35 PM, John Lodge wrote:

Yesterday, for example, I wanted to write a handler which would insert text
into the first five members of the cast. Could I do it? Not a chance!
This can probably be most easily accomplished with a repeat loop, something that uses a counter to perform a repetitive task a given number of times. In your case it may be something like:

on InsertMembers
repeat with nMem = 1 to 5
mTextMember = new ( #text, "Internal" )
mTextMember.text = "This is member number" && nMem.string()
end repeat
END InsertMembers

As you can see it begins with a 'repeat' declaration, stating in essence that Director is to begin with 1 and proceed through 5 (inclusive), plugging those number values -- as it goes along -- into the variable 'nMem'. That's the counter.

Inside the repeat loop itself, we start by calling #text members into existence in the 'Internal' cast library. (You can specify other casts; for instance if you had a movie with an additional cast called "text", you could specify that as your creation target.) We make the #text member a reality simply by using the new() keyword, passing in to Director's internal command set the type (#text) and target cast location ("Internal"). While this isn't really necessary if you have only one cast, it is a good habit to have.

On the next line we put a little text into each member as it's created. As you may infer, the #text member contains a phrase that identifies itself as the one made within a particular iteration of the loop. You could also plug values into the members' names as you make them instead, reserving the 'text' call for something else (such as parts of a text file on disk or some such).

We use the 'string()' specifier to make sure Director understands that it is to interpret the 'nMem' item as text rather than a number. That's not strictly necessary either, since it's being concatenated with a string by the '&&', and Director is bright enough to realize that you want the value in the 'nMem' variable to be treated as text instead of an integer in that case, but it's a good habit to be in.

To get the above going you'd enter it in a movie script, close the script window and then call the function from the message window:

-- Welcome to Director --

That's the basic idea. As a somewhat shameless plug, I've got a beginner's guide out. Might be worth a gander. ;)

Warren Ockrassa | http://www.nightwares.com/
Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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