all true. now you've got my curiosity going though -- if you're not providing samples, where is the origination of the sound? through different clips the user supplies? just tones? .....?


Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

I have the beatnik Xtra. IIRC it cannot alter sounds at all in the sense of writing a sound to a member or a "RAM slot".

What it does is it lets you import sound setups made up of samples (cycled or one shot), and it can apply filtering and some fx (a rudimantary reverb etc) to the sounds.

It's good for what it does - sort of a quicktime instrument/ midi file on steroids, but all setup work with the samples needs to be done beforehand and then "compiled" into a file (like a midi file w/ sounds included) and supplied to the xtra.


of course there's always the defunct beatnik xtra that allows for user interaction with and manipulation of sound, but then that would be a whole nother pack of treats (like getting your hands on the right tools, getting your hands on a fully functional xtra, etc, etc). and i don't *think* beatnik allows for saving of what the user has done to external files....but it may be worth a look?


Carl West wrote:

Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote:

This is a matter of curiosity right now.

In the past, I've used Glen Picher's BinIO Xtra to read and write
external .aif files and have since been intrigued by the idea of
using lingo to create or modify a sound member directly in the cast.

Possible? Where would I start? Is there an Xtra?

First I want to say is "I don't know". But I can do some reasoning:
Changing something in the cast means that you will have to either a)
change the projector binary on the disk (not what you want) or b)
Find the audio file representation in RAM and write to that RAM spot.

That's what I was suspecting.

AFAIK there are no inbuilt methods and no Xtras for altering an audio
file/ RAM chunk, like eg imaging lingo does with an image.

And that's what I feared.


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m u t a n t
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Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway NY NY 10012

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m u t a n t
            m e d i a      >     solutions for success

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