Michael wrote:
> The only difference I see in what you did is that you seem to have changed
> the icon of a .dxr-file, whereas my file is an .exe.

No I changed the exe file.
The file that I link to (the .dxr) is the one listed in the ini so perhaps
this is where the confusion lies.

To explain and sorry if this sounds patronising :

My fast start projectors have always contained no xtras and generally no
Just a frame script that says

global gFilename
on exitFrame
go to frame 1 of movie gFilename

gFilename is set in the lingo.ini so I can reuse the stub for all my
eg. from a working lingo.ini example
global gFilename
on prepareMovie me

my corresponding entry in the projector .ini file is

I'm not sure if you link to another movie or just create the fast start on a
movie with content in it but give this method a try.
My projector was only about 80k in final size if this is any indication.



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