25/06/2003 8:59:02 AM, Quixadá <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>while we´re on this subject, what handler should be executed when an 
>instance of a script is added to a sprite scriptinstancelist? the on 
>beginsprite doesn´t seem to be executed, so that´s why i have to send 
>sprites messages. and even those seem not work sometimes.

Hey Quixada,

Glad you got your scriptInstance issue worked out.

Below is the script I use for dynamic sprite creation.
It allows me to create a sprite, assign properties like member, ink etc and as 
many behaviours as I want, all in one call.

Also it is designed to use "standard" behaviour structure, that is you don't have to 
do anything special to behaviours you want to attach to dynamic sprites. You'll see 
that it forceably calls the beginSprite handler to make sure the scripts are properly 
initialized. Also there is code to deal with the endSprite handler.

If you want to see it in action along with a demonstration of the pitfalls of dynamic 
sprites (this is what Kerry mentioned earlier) (and a crude partial work around for 
the problem) then check out




PS if working with dynamic sprites the only real solution for them not interfering 
with score authored sprites is to dedicate a range of channels for them and never 
put score authored sprites in those channels

--dynamic sprite generation
--written by Rob Romanek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on makeSprite aNum, aProps, aBhvrs
  --check for valid aNum, the sprite number
  if not(integerP(aNum)) then return
  if aNum<1 and aNum>the lastchannel then return
  me = script("dynamicSprite")
  puppetSprite aNum, 1
  --aProps list passed in as
  defaultProps = [\
#loc: point(0,0),\
#ink: 0,\
#blend: 100,\
#color: rgb(0,0,0),\
#backColor: 0\
  --change default props to those passed in
  repeat with i = 1 to c
    tProp = defaultProps.getPropAt(i)
    tValue = aProps[tProp]
    if not(voidP(tValue)) then 
      defaultProps[i] = tValue
    end if 
  end repeat
  --add additional props
  c = aProps.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
    tProp = aProps.getPropAt(i)
    tValue = aProps[i]
  end repeat
  --apply them to the sprite
  c = defaultProps.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
    tProp = defaultProps.getPropAt(i)
    tValue = defaultProps[i]
    case tProp of
      #member: sprite(aNum).member = tValue
      #loc: sprite(aNum).loc = tValue
      #ink: sprite(aNum).ink = tValue
      #blend: sprite(aNum).blend = tValue
      #color: sprite(aNum).color = tValue
      #backColor: sprite(aNum).backColor = tValue
      #rect: sprite(aNum).rect = tValue
      #rotation: sprite(aNum).rotation = tValue
        do "sprite(" & aNum & ")." & tProp & "=" & tValue
    end case  
  end repeat
  if voidP(aBhvrs) then return
  sprite(aNum).scriptInstanceList = [me.new()]
  c = aBhvrs.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
    tProp = aBhvrs.getPropAt(i)
    tValue = aBhvrs[i]
    tvc = tValue.count
    if tvc then
      si = sprite(aNum).scriptInstanceList.count
      repeat with j = 1 to tvc
        tProp2 = tValue.getPropAt(j)
        tValue2 = tValue[j]
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  sendSprite(aNum, #beginSprite) 

on endDynamicSprite me
  if voidP(me) then return
  if not(objectP(me)) then return
  sprite(me.spriteNum).memberNum = -1
  sendSprite(me.spriteNum, #endSprite)

  sprite(me.spriteNum).puppet = 0
  sprite(me.spriteNum).scriptInstanceList = []

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