
I am not exactly sure what format your plist files are in, but in the
bundles I have done, they are in an XML format...

Based on the download from:

My  info.plist file reads (watch for linebreaks):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="0.9">
        <string>1.0, © 2002 Macromedia.  All rights reserved.</string>

and the contents of the pkgInfo file looks like:

So the bundle signature of the info.plist file matches the line in

Is your notation an alternative to this syntax, or is it just simplified
for readability?

Also notice, that I added the CFBundleIconFile key to the existing plist
file so that you can use a custom icon for the projector bundle. I
believe there were some good postings on how to create icon resource
files (.icns) and corresponding paste-able icons for the getInfo window
earlier this year in either this list's archives or the Direct-L list...
I can't locate the exact message at the moment though...

Hope this helps!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Slava Paperno
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 6:28 PM
Subject: RE: <lingo-l> OSX/9 bundle puzzle: =

Thanks a million for responding, Matt. Here they are:

     CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
     CFBundleExecutable = Start;
     CFBundleGetInfoString = "Start Application";
     CFBundleIconFile = "Start.icns";
     CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
     CFBundleName = Start;
     CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
     CFBundleShortVersionString = "1.0";
     CFBundleSignature = CFINTRO;
     CFBundleVersion = "1.0";

     BuildVersion = 02;
     CFBundleShortVersionString = "1.0";
     CFBundleVersion = "1.0";
     ProjectName = Start;
     ReleaseStatus = GM;
     SourceVersion = 0200;

"Start" is the name of my projectors and the topmost folder,
used "" in my original post because that's what the MM write-up


At 05:58 PM 7/8/03 -0400, Mathew Ray wrote:
>What do your plist files look like?
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Slava Paperno
>Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 4:39 PM
>Subject: <lingo-l> OSX/9 bundle puzzle: =
>I'm trying to create a Mac OS 9 / OS X bundle for my Director
>and I've run into a puzzle. I wonder if anyone else has seen the same
>I followed the directions at
>One of the first claims made there is that a volume root folder that
>name "" will actually display its name as "foo" and will appear
>be an application rather than a folder (both under OS 9 and OS X) until
>Ctrl-click it and select Show Package Contents. This works fine for me
>under OS X but fails under OS 9.2.
>I burned the volume to a CD under OS X. The disk works fine under OS X
>other machines, but on OS 9.2 machines, the name of the folder is
>and it looks and acts just like a folder. I can start my application by
>opening this folder and then opening folder Contents inside, and then
>double-clicking the alias for the OS 9 projector in that folder--but
>should not be necessary.
>A couple of things I discovered while practicing this arcane art:
>If you use lingo.ini and MyProjector.ini, these have to be duplicated
>placed alongside each of the two projectors. This is not mentioned in
>MM writeup.
>If you use "the moviePath" anywhere in your movies, that will return
>actual path on the volume, i.e. etc.
>was not apparent to me at first. The consequences are dramatic for a
>that needs to access files by specifying the complete path.
>Any tips on why my volume's root "" folder is still called
>under OS 9.2 would be appreciated.

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