At 11:45 PM -0400 7/29/03, you wrote:
Thanks for thinking about it, Colin.

I do use updateStage (my example that you cite below shows it), but without puppetting, the sprite that is reported to have a bitmap member assigned to it displays its previous text member instead. Similarly, the sprite that reports its visibility as true is in fact invisible--although the visibility button in the Score and the Object Inspector claim that it is visible.

something's wonky - supposedly DMX doesn't have any changes AT ALL in this area. This is really core Director functionality

How does this exact movie show the same issue in d8.5?
(or does it have real DMX-only code preventing this)

Have you rebooted your machine ?



At 11:23 PM 7/29/03 -0400, you wrote:
--I see the bitmap on the stage

I see the same story with setting sprite(1).visible to false and then true: the Message window tells me the prite is visible, but it's not on the stage unless I puppet it.

What's the story?

I think it's just the updatestage that's making it work. How is it if you don't do the puppetsprites, but do just the updatestage?

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