Cath has shown the 'quickTimeVersion', whats the other method?
and what are the advantages or disadvantages of the various methods.

All approaches involve an xtra of some sort. For example 'quickTimeVersion()' is dependent on the QT3 or QT6 Asset xtra - both of which ship with Director (and are therefore "free").
There are third-party xtras which will do something similar. For example, with BudAPI you can call baVersion("qt3") for similar info. BudAPI returns a string, quickTimeVersion() returns a floating-point number.
I would imagine MasterApp has similar functionality, though I don't own a copy or have the demo version installed.
FileXtra4 - which is free - contains a method fx_FileGetAppPath, which should tell you which application is associated with a given filetype. So fx_FileGetAppPath(".qt") should give you the full path to the application associated with QT. If it returns a non-empty string you know there's at least a version of QT installed, even if the xtra doesn't contain a method allowing you to determine *which* version.
(Most) third party xtras require payment before you can use them. This is the only real "disadvantage". And I can't see any advantage between different methods.

Links to the above xtras:
A good site for a list of available xtras is

Actually, a non-xtra method comes to mind. You could write a routine using "getNthFileNameInFolder" to search the entire machine for "QuickTimePlayer.exe" - this would also tell you if QT was installed, but again fail with version information. And it would take, potentially, a *very* long time. Now there's a distinct disadvantage!


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