If you "create" an instance of the text (i.e. sprite) and you change that
instance, you will change the original member of the cast, no matter
what. That´s why you´re having this problem.

Exactly. Annoying, in a way.
On the other hand, having three color properties, each one with a different color description format, for every sprite is also a nuisance. At least until one figures out how they work. I learnt today that the forecolor property updates as you change the color property - only, the color can be an rgb value, and the forecolor is a color number (not a paletteIndex, as the bgcolor is. Oh my god. Then, when you change the color property it won´t change the actual color of a bitmap cast member, only add to it. Thus, you can´t make a yellow bitmap black by changing its color property w Lingo... But a black one can become yellow... It´s fun though, every day something new.

The only solution is the
one Daniel talked about. Sorry, but it seems youll have to rewrite quite
a lot of code.

Probably - although this time I hope to be able to sidestep somewhat... If I find any solution of interest, I´ll post it here.

Isn´t it annoying when you find out that something is not working
corretly just when you are deep inside coding and have done most of it,
and it is just (at least in this case) from some malicious glitch in

U bet it is - it really would be nice to use text in a field/text sprite as a property variable for the sprite. But, when in Rome...

Yours tubily

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