On Monday, February 23, 2004, at 03:12 pm, Peter Bochan wrote:

on showInfoInMessageWindow(me, tObject)
  timeOut().new("timer1", 2000, #showInfo, tObject)

Run the movie

-- Message Window
myObject = script("car").new("bmw", 200)
myObject. showInfoInMessageWindow(myObject)

this results in 2 second delay flushing in Message Window.

Hi Peter,

It seems to me that there is some confusion in your code...

First, you create a new timeOut object every stepFrame. Thankfully, you
have not appended your object to the actorList (which triggers stepFrame
events), otherwise your script could create all sorts of weirdnesses!

Second, it is good practice to do your own garbage collection. I mean
that if you instantiate an object, it is worthwhile explicitly killing
that object yourself in order to avoid any memory leaks. Have a look at
the "forget" command in relation to timeOut objects.

You might like to try something like:

-- Parent script "car"
property name
property velocity

on new(me, tName, tVelocity)
  name = tName
  velocity = tVelocity
  return me

on destroy(me)
  -- kills the timeOut object if it exists

on showInfo(me)
  put ("My name is") && name
  put ("My velocity is") && velocity

on showInfoInMessageWindow(me)
  -- you don't have to pass your object ref - it is already "me"
  timeOut().new("timer1", 2000, #showInfo, me)

Run the movie

-- Message Window
myObject = script("car").new("bmw", 200)

-- and now to dispose of the object
myObject = VOID

hth, Chris

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