At 5:47 PM +0200 4/2/04, you wrote:
Hi list,

I have a very simple utility-function which uses fileIO Xtra to find out
if a file exists (just for cases where Buddy API or FileXtra are not

on fileExists fn
  fio=new(xtra "fileIO")
  if err=0 then
    return 1
    return 0
  end if

Now I found out that this function always returns true if a file with
the same filename as the filename in parameter fn (which is a full path)
exists in the moviepath, i.e. if fn doesn't exist, but a file with the
same name exists in the same folder as the *.dir, fileIO takes this one
instead for openFile, writeString etc. (dir mx, win xp pro). Does anyone
know a way to make fileIO stop behaving like that?


If you can't verify the path-filename of what was opened then you could try this workaround:

Open up the false file first (the one next to the DIR).

This will either fail (not there) or will set your desired routine up for failure (because the false file has already been opened).


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