At 05:16 AM 8/30/00, Paul Steven wrote:

>If I do end up using FileIO - I forsee a problem with the fact that the app
>will be running from a cd - how does the app know where to store the text
>file - is there a path variable in lingo that will work for such a situation
>on both mac and pc. Obviously the variable "the applicationPath" won't be
>suitable because it will be on the cd and therefore non-writable.

fileIO can return the path to the Windows directory or the System Folder 
with getOSDIrectory(). You could also create your own storage directory. 
fileXtra and Buddy API are excellent tools for this.

>With setPref - I am worried that the 32K maximum won't be sufficient to hold
>say thousands of contacts in the worst case scenario.

setPref running from non-writable media will create its files in the temp 
folder where Director stores Xtras, dll, and such. or 
whatever. These will get deleted when the projector quits normally.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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