At 08:25 AM 8/30/00, Robert Wingate wrote:
> > The cure in my case was to save each of the lists on a
> > separate line and reconstruct them into a single list
> > after reading them.
>Wow.  On multiple hybrid CDROMs, using deeply nested propLists, I've never
>run across this problem.  Under what conditions can it surface?

All I can come up with at this point is that there may be various ranges of 
lengths that can cause the problem.

I don't recall the exact length of the string I was saving, but it 
consistently got truncated around the 2K length by fileIO's readFile() 
method. I was able to correctly _save_ the list from a variable to a single 
line of text as seen in a text editor. Others have reported strings into 
the MB lengths with and without seeing this symptom.

I only have one project (in the archives now) that uses a list of any 
significant length. Since I'm not the only one who saw the symptom I always 
mention it. Perhaps someday I'll have the luxury of having enough time pin 
it down to predictable steps to repro ;-)

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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