<snip>on the PC side once I burn a disc the file isn't read any more.
Everything works fine in authoring mode on the PC but when I copy the files
to my Mac and burn a disc I get an I/O error  when I run it on a PC.</snip>

All files on a CD are read-only-  PC or Mac.

If you are only trying to read the files, you should open them using
the write only mode (1).

If you are trying to write to a file, you will have to write to a file on
the user's hard drive.

If you copy the file from the CD to the user's hard drive, (pc) it will
its read-only attribute. You will have to use something like BuddyAPI to
reset its attributes.

Or, better yet- create a new file on the user's hard drive using the
you read from the read-only file on the CD.

hope this helps,

Stephen Ingrum

> I'm using FileIO to read text into Director on a cross platform CD.
> Everything works fine on the Mac side, but
> I've checked the paths and they are fine. One thing I've noticed is that
> files are "read-Only" once they are burned on the CD. They aren't that way
> when I copy them. If I copy all of the files from the CD onto my PC's hard
> drive, it still doesn't work...BUT...if I then go into the file properties
> and de-select "Read-Only" they work fine.
> My question is, how do I keep them from being read-only when I burn them
> the CD? I'm thinking I could copy them onto the user's hard drive and read
> them from there, but that sounds silly. I've got to be missing something
> simple.
> Thanks in advance for advice.
> Stephen
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