At 08:18 PM 9/24/00, Conrad Ayala wrote:
>I protected several of my director (.dir) file.  Now they are .dxr 
>file.  This was all done by accident.  I thought I had made duplicates of 
>my files, but I didn't.

I tend to keep Norton Protection running on my project disks. It's a little 
safer than the Windows un-delete utility & really saved my bacon once when 
I was in the early stages of writing an un-installer.

If you don't succeed in recovering it through the OS, it's actually quite 
easy to recover your cast members from a protected file. All the Lingo is 
gone for good, though.

Basically you just open the dxr in a MIAW and write some Lingo to copy its 
cast members into the stage's internal cast. You should be able to 
replicate the score as well.

If you search the Direct-L archives at you'll even 
find a script posted by Jim Collins.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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