At 05:16 PM 2/4/01 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Thank you, Matthias, for the fast and long answer. I think I understand what
>puppeting is, but I still don't know how to do it, therefore:

It's pretty easy.  Lingo uses the term puppet in a few ways - they way 
you're referring to is "puppeting a sprite", and to do so, you give a 
command like:

   puppetsprite(2, TRUE)

Which means that channel 2 is no longer under score control, and no sprites 
in that channel will be updated according to the score, until further 
notice (further notice is issuing a puppetsprite(2, false) command).

Generally, since I control everything through Lingo, I start off just 
puppeting all channels like so:

   repeat with x=1 to the lastChannel
     puppetSprite(x, TRUE)
   end repeat

Then, the score is ignored.

It's important to disable the score, because if you try to manipulate 
something in a sprite channel but you haven't puppeted it, Director will 
try to reassert the "proper" sprite position, effectively putting it back 
to the way it was.  This can give you a flashing effect, or worse, 
depending on what you were doing.  In theory Director 7 had "autopuppeting" 
but it still seems to work better when you explicitly disable the channels 
yourself that you want to manipulate.

Director also uses the term puppet to control other elements, like sounds, 
transitions, etc.  Issuing a puppetSound command tells Director to play a 
sound in the specified channel (look up the syntax), issuing a 
puppetTransition command tells Director to implement a transition on the 
next updateStage or stage refresh.  So there are other "puppets" out there, 
but most likely the one you meant was puppetSprite.

- Tab

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